rant? ramble? something like that

netscape navigator on windows 3.1

having your own website is freeing. having your own space that completely belongs to you and nobody else is incredible.

like. i have an entire website that’s dedicated to me being a weird transspecies centaur. that’s dedicated to the weird shit that i think about and want to write about. with a domain name. my own services. in 1999 that wouldn’t have been a shock to a lot of people, but now it’s like

everything has to be social media. everything has to be judged by terms of engagement. maybe my brain is poisoned by it because i like the idea of my content being engaged with. but there’s no algorithm here (on this site.)

on google there always will be though.

i remember being a kid in the 00s and reading weird personal blogs. i love nathan lineback’s toastytech.com and how pissed he got at internet explorer (for the right reasons that many have conveniently forgotten by now). i loved looking at sites made by individuals. but its like… people have stopped giving a shit except to conform to what the algorithm decides. to conform to whatever stupid bullshit is out there, to conform to whatever the popular opinion is even if it’s marketed as being “non-conformist”.

that’s what all this far right shit is. i remember alex jones and his rise to popularity and his constant warnings against the police state, except now he’s totally on board bringing about that same totalitarian dictatorship. i dunno. i feel like a fucking loon for thinking people are valid for being transspecies or transrace or whatever but like. it’s like full on bigots are okay with saying the type of shit they say. it’s something.

at least twitter is finally proving its irrelevance, but i need to follow better bluesky accounts. i love boomer liberals because they actually seem to care about shit, but the twitter algorithm is perfectly fine tuned for me and bluesky is like boomer/millennial liberal heaven. it feels like hamilton just came out on bluesky.

i dunno.